In the US, the use of live vertebrate animals in research and educational programs must comply with the Public Health Service (PHS) policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (if the institution receives NIH funding) and the Animal Welfare Act and the regulations of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) if the institution works with USDA-regulated species.
To comply with these policies and regulations, every research institution must constitute an IACUC whose membership is representative of the entire institution and which includes a non-scientist member as well as a non-affiliated representative who has no association with the institution. The UF IACUC reports to Institutional Official, Dr. David P. Norton, who is the Vice President for Research.
The use of animals for research, teaching, or exhibition is a privilege, not a right. High standards exist for the care and use of animals at UF. The University of Florida maintains an Animal Welfare Assurance Statement which declares its compliance with the various regulations and policies. Failure by any individual to adhere to these standards can jeopardize UF’s entire animal use program. The program is monitored by federal regulatory agencies (USDA-APHIS and OLAW) and an accreditation agency (AAALAC).
Shepard Broad Building
1300 Center Drive- 102 Hallway
Phone: (352) 273-9535
Fax: (352) 273-9538
Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee
University of Florida
PO Box 100142
Gainesville, FL 32610-0142